Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Patrick & his "girlfriend" Cassidy :)

This is at Abiding Savior's annual summer picnic.
Patrick says, "Ummm, if it's OK with Cassidy's daddy, I think I'd like to marry her someday!"

Patrick and his dinosaur!

Patrick's 2 new loves are dinosaurs and airplanes! Boys are so much fun!

Big brother Patrick

Patrick enjoys his daily ritual of kissing "baby brudder" on the head! So cute!! We realize this may change once he realizes he needs to share his toys with Shane... :)

Shane w/ Mommy & Daddy

One of our favorite pictures from the hospital...Aunt Jacki sure can "capture the moment!" :)

Baby Shane

Shane is already 5 weeks old...we can't believe it! He is our happy, sweet boy...and seems to be smiling already! :) Mommy is really enjoying being home with him! She could REALLY get used to being a stay-at-home mommy full-time, although she goes back to teaching in mid-October. :(

Our 1st Blog Post!

OK, so the Merciers are a little slow to this BLOG thing. So many of our friends are wonderfully creative and dedicated bloggers, and they keep telling us it's a great way to keep in touch...especially with far away friends who don't use Facebook or MySpace. So I thought, why not? Here goes...

Many of you have sent us the link to your blogs, but we have misplaced them. :(
So far, we've only found the Cooks and the Maschkes. (I know for sure we need the Roggows and Strands...please send us yours!) So please e-mail us your blog links, so that we can add them to our lists and keep in better touch! :)

Oh, and next I will add some new pics!

With love,
The Mercier fam :)