We are a family of 4 living in Orange County. We have wonderful family and friends and God has blessed us greatly. We'd like to share some of our very special memories with you. :) Enjoy!
We recently went up to Bakersfield to visit my sister, Jacki, and her family: husband, David, and kids Elise, Kate, and Luke. We had a blast! Patrick especially enjoyed getting to see the snow for the very first time, as we made the hour-long trek from their house up to Frazier Park to visit my aunt and let the kids play in the snow. We all had so much fun throwing snowballs, making snow angels, having tickle-wars in the snow, and of course, building a snowman. The snow and weather were both awesome and we had such a wonderful time. As we were driving back down the mountain, Patrick would wave outside and sadly say with a sigh, "Bye bye snows....I love you snows..." Too cute! :)
It's hard to believe Shane is almost 7 months old and Patrick is almost 3! They are both growing up so quickly. Shane is sitting up pretty much on his own and is practicing crawling! It is so cute to watch him inch across the floor. :) And Patrick is saying so many words and sentences now...his new thing is loving to dance, jump, gallop, and march. Anything that involves movement! :)
Shane is now 6 months old and is enjoying his rice cereal -- his very first food! He loves to make a mess! And big boy Patrick (almost 3) went to Nickel Nickel for the first time with Grandma Cylene. He drove a speed boat, played skee ball, and even won a tiny plastic jet. PT was thrilled! What a fun way to spend a VERY rainy afternoon! :)
My best friend from college, Autumn Carlson-Luna, recently came out to visit with her husband, Scott, and stepdaughter, Julie. They loved meeting Shane for the 1st time. We had a blast with them at her family's house in Corona and out at our home on New Year's Eve! Who knew Balderdash could be so much fun?!? Patrick sure loved playing the keyboard...he thought he was quite the rock star! :)
We had so much fun at Grandpa Frank's Frank Sinatra-themed 80th Birthday Party! Gotta love my Grandma Barbara's blue boa! :) My Uncle John and Aunt Colleen from Washington state were in town to join us which was wonderful. And it's always fun to see my Aunt Melissa too! They sure enjoyed cuddling with Shane. Patrick had so much fun chasing around cousins Elise and Kate...he just had to lay down and take a rest (which is rare) with Elise! :)