It's hard to believe we have a walking 1-year-old now, but we do! Shane turned ONE in early August and is loving his new-found freedom of getting around on 2 feet! He loves to follow Patrick all around the house and is saying lots of words, such as: all done, more, hi, bye-bye, mama, dada, papa, eat, cookie, and ball. :) Here are some pictures from his baseball-themed 1st b-day party with family and Shane's 1st baptism b-day, as well. Our tradition on this day each year is to light the child's baptism candle, eat cross-shaped cookies made by mommy, and open cards/gifts from the godparents. Shane's godparents are Nate's parents, Tom and Deb...he is such a blessed little boy! :)
1 comment:
I can't belive he's 1! Time really does fly. You guys all look great. :)
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